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Psychological benefits of nudity

1. The Misconception

Whenever someone hears “nudism” or “nudist”, they most likely immediately think of it as something strange or sexual. But the truth is that nudism is neither. Nudism, also known as Naturism, is simply a non-sexual lifestyle that involves partial or full nudity.

These misconceptions are understandable given the societal image of nudity. Psychology professor Matthew Westra from Longview Community College in Missouri explains the misconception of nudism in The United States as taboo “…because we primarily equate nudity or nakedness with sexuality and we have taboos about sexuality” in the National Geographic Channel documentary Taboo: Extreme Living. This portrayal of nudism in society then often becomes falsely affiliated with feelings of shame or guilt.

But it’s time to clear up these misconceptions so that we can understand what nudism really is about and why people choose to partake in it.

2. The Benefits

It’s easy to misunderstand being naked around other people as something that revolves around the way others see you and your body. Many have been taught that the way to take care and value your body is by keeping it private but nudism appears to prove there is more than one way to do this.

Contrary to common belief, nudism is also a way to value and treasure your body because it primarily focuses on the freedom and liberation of your own body.

Over the last decade, there has been a bigger increase in spotlighting someone’s physique and body shape. This is likely heavily influenced by social media and constantly seeing models with “perfect” bodies. Our socials are so consumed with toned abs and round peaches that it can really take a negative toll on our mental health and body image when we compare our normal bodies to an “Instagram” body even though social media isn’t a realistic depiction of regular life and regular people. Gary Spence, a Life Model and Naturist, tells the Huffington Post about his experience as a “newish Naturist” and explains “naturism is the perfect anticode to what you see in the media as the perfect body”.

Nudism reveals the naked body in a much different way. It’s one of the most mentally and physically vulnerable things someone can do and so when someone overcomes this vulnerability, they transform it into empowerment. Administrative director of the Naturist Society, Nicky Hoffman, tells National Geographic that their group’s purpose is to embrace body positivity “for girls especially, [because] there is so much pressure in our society to be a perfect size…part of living a naturist lifestyle is accepting your body and regaining a normal body image”.

Dr. Keon West’s famous journal and study Naked and Unashamed: Investigations and Applications of the Effects of Naturist Activities on Body Image, Self-Esteem, and Life Satisfaction, also finds “naturist activities contain elements that should promote a more positive body image, higher self-esteem and greater life satisfaction”.

Now, let’s talk about some of the benefits of Naturism.

Self Love/Esteem

When we learn to be comfortable in our own skin, we begin to appreciate our body as it is. Dr. Keon West explains “one’s body-concept is an important aspect of one’s overall self-concept”. So when we learn to love both the perfect and imperfect parts of ourselves, we gain acceptance and normalization of what our bodies look like. And through the acceptance of our bodies as they are, we learn to become at peace with what we look like instead feeling bad over comparing ourselves to model-perfect bodies.

Body Positivity

With nudism, we adapt to seeing someone’s body for what it is and as it is instead of comparing it to what others think is the current beauty standard. Regardless of body type or activity and fitness, all bodies are not only accepted but also celebrated exactly as they are. Naturist Gary Spence, in his Huffington Post article about Naturism, retells his personal experience with nudism that “nobody stares at you or judges you for your body whatever shape or size. It is more about feeling good about yourself and being liberated from wearing clothes.”

Overall Happiness

Nudism can also increase happiness. Quite simply because the less we are concerned with how others view our bodies, the less negativity we hold ourselves to about how we look, which can allow us to feel at peace with our authentic selves. It’s easy to become consumed with what we think we should look like because of pop culture or social media but this mentality can be very detrimental to our mental and physical well being. When we learn to love our bodies as they are, we can become happier and more appreciative of our bodies regardless of what we have or don’t have.

A study was done in the UK by Goldsmiths, University of London regarding the benefits of partaking in any form of nudity. This study found those who participated in nudity around others “liked their own bodies more, thought better of themselves, and were more satisfied with their lives overall”.

Goldsmiths, University of London – The Psychology of Nudism Video

As you can see, nudism is very different from how it’s depicted in the media because it has nothing to do with sexualizing the body. It’s quite the opposite! Nudism is about liberating your body and loving yourself as you are. It’s a lifestyle that not only appreciates the normal, everyday body but also allows us to freely be our natural selves.

For some, being naked in front of others can be sexually promiscuous or fetishized but the act of being naked itself doesn’t mean the same thing in every situation. Nudism has nothing to do with lust or sex.

It’s something you do with your body for yourself.

Nudism allows you the choice and freedom to be comfortable with yourself in one of the most mentally and physically intimate but non-sexual ways. It allows you to take charge of your body to serve whatever purpose you are looking for.


3. References

  1. Goldsmiths, University of London – Naked and Unashamed
  2. National Geographic – The Skinny on Nudism in the U.S.
  3. Huffington Post – Naturist/Nudist Misconceptions and the Truth
  4. Naked and Unashamed: Investigations and Applications of the Effects of Naturist Activities on Body Image, Self-Esteem, and Life Satisfaction

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